What is the purpose of using rotary grate magnet?

The rotary grade magnet can prevent poor fluidity or high viscosity materials from blocking during the ferromagnetic separation that is made from the strong Ndfeb or stainless-steel housing or ferrite magnets. The grate magnets are placed directly in product stream by allowing the free-flowing products to come in direct contact with the grate. In general, the grate magnets are typically constructed with the magnetic tubes of 1 inch diameter. These magnets offer an excellent protection from the metal corrosion and contamination. As the product flows over the magnetic tubes the contaminants are pushed to the underside of the magnetic tubes so the material will be protected from corrosion. When the grate magnets are effective one? The grates are most effective when the product is free flowing, dry and it is not connected or bridged between the magnetic tubes. Selecting the right kind of grate is very important one in which you need to make cross check the sectional area of open...